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what is the amateur?

We all learn in life.

Chances are you’ve struggled to do something difficult in the past year. You may have felt pushed to your limits, stressed, on the brink of collapse.

 Learning is difficult. It takes focus and commitment. It takes the courage to make mistakes and fail. Many of us feel like we just don’t have the time and energy to devote to learning. On top of that, it often makes us feel stupid, awkward, incapable.  

The truth is, learning is a skill, one that we can get better at with practice. The more you learn, the better you get at learning. And the better you get at the learning, the more you learn.

Isn’t that worth the time and energy?

The mission of The Amateur Podcast is to discover how to be an effective learner and to learn as much as possible.

We’ll discover this through people who have learned to do amazing things. Things like grow their own food, cook delicious meals, or invest money for the future. The people around us have so much knowledge and experience to share; there’s a teacher in everyone you meet!

There’s also a teacher within you. Not the know-it-all kind, but the kind that inspires, encourages, awakens. This teacher is there to guide you on a journey that will enrich your life, stimulate your mind, body, and spirit, connect you with others, and help you reach your true human potential.

I hope you’ll join me in the fun.

Listen to the latest episode here!