DIY Everything with Deb

Deb is an Amateur role model. She has a challenging day job as a police officer. After a day at work she comes home and works on one of her many DIY projects, which include birdhouses, furniture, stained glass, and more. I'm so glad she took time out of her busy schedule to talk to me about her creative process. From sourcing materials, such as copper and wood, to putting on the finishing touches, Deb doesn't shy away from unfamiliar material, technique, or people telling her that she's crazy. Here are 9 pieces of wisdom that I took away from our conversation (feel free to add more in the comments section!): 

  1. If someone else did it, you can too: As Deb says, "it wouldn't even occur to me to buy something if I thought that I could possibly make it." She sees something that she likes, and rather than reaching for her wallet, she reaches for her toolbox. 

  2. Generosity is fuel: What motivates Deb to put upwards of 12 hours into creating a spectacular birdhouse? "It's the gift giving," she says. When she is finished she has a gift that is thoughtful, unique, and personal. 

  3. Attention to detail goes a long way: Deb goes the distance to find those unique finishing touches, such as old CNR keys, that make a project something truly original. 

  4. Keep an eye out for potential source material: You never know where, when, and what random objects might spark inspiration ( like slate tiles from an old church in Quebec!). If you see something that appeals to you, go for it!

  5. Where there's a will there's a way: Deb tells a great story about the pieces of wood she found that had to be tables. Nobody believed she'd make them stand on their own. Undeterred, she devised an ingenious solution: using humble flanges as feet for the table's legs. 

  6. Don't be afraid to ask for help: I'm jealous of Deb's neighbours. She's got a welding guy, a carpentry guy, and who knows what else! This isn't just dumb luck. Deb isn't afraid to ask around. She is insatiably curious, excited to learn,  and grateful for the help she receives, paying it forward in baked goods (yumm!). 

  7. Get 'er done: It's not easy working up the motivation to be creative after a hard day's work, but often it's just a matter of "one foot in front of the other." We all have bad days, but there's no reason they can't stop us from trying again tomorrow. 

  8. Channel your day job: Deb recognizes that the unpredictable, high pressure environment of her day job helps in her creative endeavours. We all have so many talents and skills, some of which we may not even be aware of.

  9. Avoid distraction: Social Media accounts? Deb doesn't have any. Game of Thrones? She doesn't watch TV. No wonder she's able to accomplish so much!

Bonus: Skip the vinegar, use a magic eraser. 

Here are some of Deb’s magnificent creations:

I bet the birds love them!

I bet the birds love them!

Now that is a beautiful piece of wood!

Now that is a beautiful piece of wood!

Look at that strong and sturdy base!

Look at that strong and sturdy base!

Looks great for entertaining!

Looks great for entertaining!

What a beautiful decorative shelf!

What a beautiful decorative shelf!

The details look so professional.

The details look so professional.