
Want to Learn Faster? Dive into the Deep End

Want to Learn Faster? Dive into the Deep End

When you can touch the bottom, you’re not really swimming. The deep end is where we truly learn to swim. The reason is that there needs to be some risk for learning to take place. Often, we learn quicker and more effectively when the risks are greater. Risk sharpens the senses and the mind.

Photography with Laila Youssef

Photography with Laila Youssef

Everyone with a smartphone is an amateur photographer. And if photography is an art, then there is a budding artist in every one of us. But what distinguishes a good photograph from a mediocre one? Can we turn our daily coffee mug photos into art? Or how do we simply take nicer family photos? For answers to these questions and more, I spoke to the talented, up-an-coming photographer, Laila Youssef.