Making Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Childhood Skill that Keeps on Giving

I came home on Friday in a bad mood. It was a long week that wasn’t over yet (I had to work through the weekend). I felt like I needed to do something to occupy my mind; something productive, creative, and active. So I decided to make chocolate chip cookies.

I can’t remember the last time I made cookies, but it was just what my restless brain needed: A little bit of chaos (you should have seen the kitchen after I was done!) ending in order. The first batch was a bit too gooey. I learned the hard way not to melt the butter; to mix it in at room temperature instead. The second batch was near perfect - crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside.

Making cookies brought me back to my childhood. Like most people, I learned to make chocolate chip cookies from my mother (she probably got tired of me asking her to make them!). After we did it together a few times, I started making them on my own. It was a good antidote for TV reruns and sugar cravings. I think I used my mom’s recipe card so many times it became nearly illegible with stains and smudges. At one point, I’m pretty sure I could make chocolate chip cookies from memory.

At some point I stopped baking cookies. Other hobbies and demands got in the way, I suppose. It never occurred to me until this week how comforting this small, everyday skill could be. It sure lifted my spirits (and my taste buds!).

It made me remember that the things we learn in childhood stay with us for the rest of our lives - even ones we thought we had long forgotten. After consulting my wife Mariana’s recipe (her secret ingredient is a little bit of orange zest!), the process of making cookies came naturally: measuring the wet and dry ingredients into separate bowls, taste-testing the dough, spooning even rows of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and then watching them crisp up and rise in the oven. It felt like rereading a favourite book, or like getting back on a bike after a long absence.

So with this blog I thought I’d celebrate the seemingly mundane things we learn in childhood. They keep us grounded and connect us to the people in our lives. I am grateful to my mother for all the things she’s taught me, including the little things.

Are there any skills you learned as a kid that surprised you in adulthood? Feel free to comment and let us know!

Making cookies has also given me a great idea for future episode on baking. Drop me a line if you know someone who loves to bake and chat about their delicious creations!